SauerLeague Changes

As some of you might already know, SauerLeague will no longer provide a regular competitive tournament, but instead switch to a more flexible event based schedule. Games will be announced on, and won’t just include the good ol’ sauerbraten modes insta, effic and ffa; but also user-created gamemodes such as racing and rugby.

For more updates on SauerLeague checkout their website. Future events will be announced here on Sauerworld as usual.

We also asked Frosty for short statement:

Over the course of the past few years, the activity of clans and players has been decreasing at an alarming rate. SauerLeague was a very exclusive event where only the best got the opportunity to play and have success. The competitive player in me wanted to continue on with the competitive matches, but with no progress from eihrul in SVN again, and with the number of players noticeably decreasing since I started, I felt that the community needed inclusive events moving forward. There are now no rules and restrictions for playing, and an equal opportunity for everyone to be able to play. If you still enjoy playing Sauer and are concerned about the community’s lack of player activity, you have no more excuses as to why you cannot participate!




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