1. Jawer

      EXACTLY MY THOUGHT. like 5-6 better nominees in the intro/outro than all 3 that were actually taken. Pretty bad movie contentwise.. a lot of time lapse but good angles, repetitions where they are needed and well.. at least the intro and outro were really cool cause you took the best parts there already. Liked the music

  1. a-monster

    Great work again Fatality! And music, i like it too.

    Hard thing to say who´s my favourite. Many great frags and flagruns aso.

  2. Timakrov_Gunn

    Damn. My run itself looked rather dull. On the other hand, I pretty much regret sending that run, when I did had better demos… that came AFTER this movie.

    Late reply, my apologies, but well made, Fatality.


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