Recent Clan Activity

As of late, there have been a few transfers:

Honzik, one of the game’s most successful players (12 PSL titles / 8 SWL titles) joined the ‘impressive Squad‘! (Source)
“I just came to Sauer to have some fun. I am not going to play as seriously as before, because it wasn’t much fun for me. Now I enjoy every game even if I lose. I like competing against other clans. So I chose !s because people there seem to be cool, I had no problem with anyone of them in the past, so it made my choice easier. I came back to Sauer because there are new tournaments, and without tournaments the game is dead for me.” (quote Honzik1)

Honzik is accompanied by Tyson, who also joined the impressive Squad! (Source)
(We couldn’t get ahold of Tyson for a statement but it will be updated as soon as we do)

Also, pix joined noVI! (Source)
“I want to thank my friends and family who got me through this hard and clan-less time, and am happy to finally have found a place of shelter in form of my new home amidst the dear people of noVI.” 
(quote pix)

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